In all her infinite wisdom...: Getting Smart at the Pump?

In all her infinite wisdom...

A Native Montanan's view on feminisim, politics and life in Montana.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Getting Smart at the Pump?

This is the latest:
Instead of adopting smart energy solutions that will help wean Americans off oil and save us money at the pump, the U.S. Senate voted just last week to open eight million acres off the shores of Louisiana, Florida, Mississippi and Alabama to destructive oil and gas drilling.

With the price of gas reaching all time highs this administration will pass more bills like these than our history has ever seen. What are we prepared to do to fight this? Our we really prepared to buy less gas and religate ourselves to a disciplined driving schedule that does not allow for "leisure driving"? I wonder how high gas will have to get and how many holes will be punched into our country before we say enough. I think it will have to be much more and that is sad for this country, this continent, this world, our earth.


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