In all her infinite wisdom...: Vacations and Veterans

In all her infinite wisdom...

A Native Montanan's view on feminisim, politics and life in Montana.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Vacations and Veterans

The saddest part of this week is it's ending. What a great week though. I had to work a little. Got a promotion-yeah.
The boy (this is how I refer to my boyfriend) went fishing every day. He caught 28 fish on the Gallatin, 29 if you count the white fish, all in one sunny morning.
Going to the gun show today. Yes, I am a liberal who loves guns as you will find many that do. Looking for a shot gun as a birthday present to myself and this fall I plan on doing some skeet and trap shoots and I need to get up to par.
Speaking of par, we are going to hit a bucket of balls on the drive range today. Do I feel like a Yuppie or what? I like the idea of golf but I probably will really stink at it. The two surgeries I had at once on my right arm will make it interesting if not impossible but I am going to give it a try.
We did the 4th of July parade thing in Ennis. It reminded me of my child hood in Central MT. The parade could be removed like a puzzle piece from Ennis to my home town and it would be an unnoticable difference. I know the boy noticed that I cried a little when the VFW went by. I could not help to think of our nation during those wars and, now in my time, again at war and for what? Because Hitler was slaughtering innocent Jews? Or the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. No, not even because our Twin Towers are gone with only the horrifying memory of that day in September.
I stood up an started to clap as they went by. There were only 4 of them. 3 men and a woman. The guy next to me had a small family and he made them do the same but no one else clapped for them. They were even surprised I think, as they all looked over at us and then blank faces went to smiles. I just wanted to thank them for having the most difficult job in the world. I wanted them to understand that I, a war protestor, honored them for their difficult task. Whether I agree with the politics or not I always have a heart for our soldiers. Let's honor them. Let's say, "enough is enough", and bring them home.
I head to the greens now. Rested from my week off. Ready to head back to a new challenge at work, thankful that I have all that have and all for my friends and family with a twinge of sadness at how hard these things were fought for.


At 6:46 PM, Blogger Montana Fem said...

That box does not fit many of us as you know.


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