In all her infinite wisdom...: Sick of Being Sick

In all her infinite wisdom...

A Native Montanan's view on feminisim, politics and life in Montana.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Sick of Being Sick

On Friday, after an entire week of fevers, ear aches and severe sinus pain I went to Urgent Care. I sat in a waiting room with many people who apparently had the same symptoms that I did and I felt myself attempting to breath through my nose.
In a few minutes I would learn that I had a sinus infection, Bronchitis and infections in both ears. I was a bit surprised because, as I said, I had all of these symptoms for an entire week and the verdict was grave indeed. So I asked the Dr., who was at the time filling out a prescription for antibiotics, why I had never had a cold that lasted 7 days to find out that I was not getting better but getting worse. He explained to me that because of flu shots and antibiotics the cold virus was getting stronger and it was probable that I had two colds, back to back. He called it piggy backing. I could not mention the irony as he handed me the prescription and in an effort to get back to work, since I missed the good part of a week, I am taking them. The severity is lessoning, I can be assured of that but I am not better yet. This is day 10.
I am asking myself now, if the medical establishment knows that colds that were once simple sniffles are turning into Bronchitis, pneumonia, Whooping Cough because of the treatments, are these treatments really safe anymore? I contacted one of my good friends who is a Chinese Herbalist and she told me some pretty interesting stuff. Of course antibiotics will kill the infectious bacteria but it will also kill the good bacterias in my system. For this she recommends Acidopholis to add the healthy bacteria back in. As far as the flu shot she says don't do it. Your body makes itself healthier by having a strong immune system. A strong immune system will do the work for you. So, feeling a little better I go back out into cold season with 1000 mgs of Vitamin C a day, 2 tblsp. acidopholis, washed hands, plenty of water and hope that I will not catch another killer cold or two. Be well, stay healthy.


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