In all her infinite wisdom...: Apocalypto

In all her infinite wisdom...

A Native Montanan's view on feminisim, politics and life in Montana.

Monday, December 18, 2006


Regardless of what I think of Mel Gibson as a person, this is an incredible movie. There were a few scenes that were less than pleasant but no worse than most hack and slash movies these days. There was a birth scene that made me squirm, I liken it to when a man sees another man get hit in the kahunas.
This was a totally original movie. Two in a row for us which is impressive. I think this one felt more like a really good foreign film because it was not sugar coated at all, very earthy and real and because of course there are subtitles. The story line is good, keeps you involved from beginning to end. I know it is a good one when I say, "Holy shit." , several times under my breath. There is one part that I thought was hokey, I will refer to it as the Omen scene. Kinda dumb really but the rest of it left an impact. See this movie if you like realistic historical accounts, Mel Gibson movies, and bared breasts of natives.
Rent this movie if, you have no children watching or really aren't so into giving the anti-Semite your hard earned dollars.


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