Republican Military Family Will Vote Democrat.
I just had a conversation with my good friend whose son-in-law will return from his second tour in Iraq next Spring. I have always known that she was a died in the wool Republican and yet we have always been able to discuss politics. I was shocked when she told me that her entire family would be voting Democratic in the upcoming election and in the next presidential election. It seems that this war has not been ingrained into the military families. They are not completely brain washed by the rhetoric of this administration. Her exact words were, "We have had enough." She also said how sorry they all were for having voted Republican. So, change is in the air. People do see that this war is about oil or revenge or something other then Weapons of Mass Destruction. People do see that we have no plan to get out of there and they see that people they know are dying; and for what?
I hope this uplifts the spirits of some of us who sometimes feel that we are living in a time where people are completely controlled by the media, propoganda etc. and not their own faculties.
There is hope, my friends, there is hope.
Thank you, this does uplift my spirits.
I am flattered but I am too much of a wuss to go on the air. Good luck with your broadcast.
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