In all her infinite wisdom...: The Fem

In all her infinite wisdom...

A Native Montanan's view on feminisim, politics and life in Montana.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

The Fem

I was asked today why I choose the title, "Montana Fem" and it gave me a lot of pleasure to describe what that means to me.
My mother one of 7 girls in a family of 11 was definitely a Feminist while not knowing it. She had 4 daughters herself and instilled a great degree of pride in us at being female. Throughout the course of my life there are many incidences that sustain me in my belief that I was a Feminist before I knew it.
Now, as I get into a more mellow mindset in my 30's, I find myself more comfortable then ever being a female in this world. I have passed those awkward teen years when standing up for myself as a woman would have been a social ill and my twenties when I was too busy trying to figure out who I wanted to be to notice that I was perfectly fine the way I was.
In my late 20's I took an Eco Feminism class and I learned that being a woman did not mean being anti male. I love males and always had a hard time with that concept. In fact my first real conversation with a hard core feminist was with a man name Rob. My mind expanded, I understood why I did not feed on anger towards men but still felt strongly that being a woman meant having a harder row to hoe. Some of my Feminist friends do not understand me when I say that I have excepted that, to my bosses who are male, I am less in the work place than my male counterparts. I try to explain that I am secure that I work hard and that I earn all of the respect that is given me, not because I am a male but because as a woman I have had to earn it.
I work in a male dominated industry, Guitar Manufacturing, and I am not afraid to say that I use that to help me succeed. I don't mean I have slept my way anywhere I just mean that the men that I work with are used to dealing with other men and to deal with a woman, especially a woman who knows her stuff, is somewhat refreshing and impressive to them.
Lets face it, there are differences in the sexes. I am not in the mindset that we are exactly equal in every way, but we are equal as humans and should treat each other as such.


At 6:55 PM, Blogger Troutburst said...

hey liberal feminazi, why do you hate America, you America hating feminazi. :) Seriously, it's nice to know the story behind your wicked ways. The "guitar mfg" industry certainly is male dominated. In fact, I thought this was a very nice post, until you got to the whole sleeping with bosses thing. Yuck. Unfortunately for me, my sick twisted brain conjured up the image of you, r.j., s.c., and t.c. in a four way. Yikes! Time for me to curl up into the fetal position and cry myself to sleep.

At 11:45 AM, Blogger Montana Fem said...

I love ya, you dirty birdy! What happiness it gives me to think of you crying and curled up in the fetal position.


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